How to check locked WJXN liquidity

We have locked some liquidity on both Uniswap and PancakeSwap. Feel free to check all the details by yourself, following the instructions from this guide.

How to check locked WJXN liquidity?

Step 1

Go to the Unicrypt website and click on the “LAUNCH APP” button.

Step 2

Connect your wallet. Please note that Metamask works best.

Step 3

Click on “Liquidity Locker”.

Step 4

Select “Ethereum mainnet” and “Uniswap V2” for checking liquidity locked on Uniswap.

Select “Binance Smart Chain” and “Pancakeswap V2” for checking liquidity on PancakeSwap.

Step 5

Click “Tokens” and find WJXN by either typing the name or copy-pasting the contract address 0xca1262e77fb25c0a4112cfc9bad3ff54f617f2e6.

Step 6

Find the information about locked liquidity on Uniswap available for you to check.

Find the information about locked liquidity on PancakeSwap available for you to check.

Last updated